You can conditionally style a table using functions that return inline styles or CSS classes. Just like with custom rendering, style functions can either be in R or JavaScript:

R functions JavaScript functions
  rowStyle = function(index) {
    if (iris[index, "Sepal.Width"] > 3.5) {
      list(fontWeight = "bold")
  rowStyle = JS("function(rowInfo) {
    if (rowInfo.row['Sepal.Width'] > 3.5) {
      return { fontWeight: 'bold' }
  • Easier to use but more static
  • Style once, when the table is created
  • Harder to use but more dynamic
  • Style on the fly, based on client-side state

Whichever one to use depends on the situation and personal preference. You might prefer to use R functions except when you need more dynamic behavior (e.g., style based on sorted state).

Example: color scales

We can use R’s built-in color utilities to apply a color scale to a column:

data <- iris[1:5, ]
orange_pal <- function(x) rgb(colorRamp(c("#ffe4cc", "#ffb54d"))(x), maxColorValue = 255)

  columns = list(
    Petal.Length = colDef(
      style = function(value) {
        normalized <- (value - min(data$Petal.Length)) / (max(data$Petal.Length) - min(data$Petal.Length))
        color <- orange_pal(normalized)
        list(background = color)

Example: highlight sorted columns

To style sorted columns, we need to use a JavaScript function to determine whether a column is currently being sorted:

  iris[1:5, ],
  defaultSorted = "Petal.Length",
  defaultColDef = colDef(
    class = JS("function(rowInfo, column, state) {
      // Highlight sorted columns
      for (let i = 0; i < state.sorted.length; i++) {
        if (state.sorted[i].id === {
          return 'sorted'
.sorted {
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);

Cell Styling

R functions

Both style and class take an R function with up to 3 optional arguments:

  style = function(value, index, name) {
    # input:
    #   - value, the cell value
    #   - index, the row index (optional)
    #   - name, the column name (optional)
    # output:
    #   - a named list with camelCased property names
    list(color = "red", marginLeft = "30px")
    #   - or an inline style string
    "color: red; margin-left: 30px;"
  class = function(value, index, name) {
    # input:
    #   - value, the cell value
    #   - index, the row index (optional)
    #   - name, the column name (optional)
    # output:
    #   - CSS class names
    "class1 class2"

NOTE: R functions cannot apply styles to aggregated cells.

JavaScript functions

Or a JavaScript function, wrapped in JS(), with up to 3 optional arguments:

  style = JS("
    function(rowInfo, column, state) {
      // input:
      //  - rowInfo, an object containing row info
      //  - column, an object containing column properties (optional)
      //  - state, an object containing the table state (optional)
      // output:
      //  - a style object with camelCased property names
      return { backgroundColor: 'gray' }
  class = JS("
    function(rowInfo, column, state) {
      // input:
      //  - rowInfo, an object containing row info
      //  - column, an object containing column properties (optional)
      //  - state, an object containing the table state (optional)
      // output:
      //  - CSS class names
      return 'class1 class2'

rowInfo properties

Property Example Description
values { Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" } row data values (new in v0.3.0)
row { Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" } same as values (deprecated in v0.3.0)
index 20 row index (zero-based)
viewIndex 0 row index within the page (zero-based)
aggregated true whether the row is aggregated
expanded true whether the row is expanded (new in v0.3.0)
subRows [{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...] array of sub row data values (aggregated rows only)
level 0 row nesting depth (zero-based)
selected true whether the row is selected

column properties

Property Example Description
id "Petal.Length" column ID
name "Petal Length" column display name
filterValue "petal" column filter value (new in v0.3.0)
setFilter function setFilter(value: any) function to set the column filter value (set to undefined to clear the filter) (new in v0.3.0)

state properties

Property Example Description
sorted [{ id: "Petal.Length", desc: true }, ...] array of columns being sorted in the table
page 2 page index (zero-based, new in v0.3.0)
pageSize 10 page size (new in v0.3.0)
pages 5 number of pages (new in v0.3.0)
filters [{ id: "Species", value: "petal" }] array of column filter values (new in v0.3.0)
searchValue "petal" table search value (new in v0.3.0)
selected [0, 1, 4] array of selected row indices (zero-based, new in v0.3.0)
pageRows [{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...] array of row data values in the page
sortedData [{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...] sorted array of row data values in the table
data [{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...] original array of row data values in the table

Row Styling

R functions

Both rowStyle and rowClass take an R function with a single argument:

  rowStyle = function(index) {
    # input:
    #   - index, the row index
    # output:
    #   - a named list with camelCased property names
    list(color = "red", marginLeft = "30px")
    #   - or an inline style string
    "color: red; margin-left: 30px;"
  rowClass = function(index) {
    # input:
    #   - index, the row index
    # output:
    #   - CSS class names
    "class1 class2"

NOTE: R functions cannot apply styles to aggregated rows.

JavaScript functions

Or a JavaScript function with up to 2 optional arguments:

  rowStyle = JS("
    function(rowInfo, state) {
      // input:
      //  - rowInfo, an object containing row info
      //  - state, an object containing the table state (optional)
      // output:
      //  - a style object with camelCased properties
      return { backgroundColor: 'gray' }
  rowClass = JS("
    function(rowInfo, state) {
      // input:
      //  - rowInfo, an object containing row info
      //  - state, an object containing the table state (optional)
      // output:
      //  - CSS class names
      return 'class1 class2'

rowInfo properties

Property Example Description
values { Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" } row data values (new in v0.3.0)
row { Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" } same as values (deprecated in v0.3.0)
index 20 row index (zero-based)
viewIndex 0 row index within the page (zero-based)
aggregated true whether the row is aggregated
expanded true whether the row is expanded (new in v0.3.0)
subRows [{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...] array of sub row data values (aggregated rows only)
level 0 row nesting depth (zero-based)
selected true whether the row is selected

state properties

Property Example Description
sorted [{ id: "Petal.Length", desc: true }, ...] array of columns being sorted in the table
page 2 page index (zero-based, new in v0.3.0)
pageSize 10 page size (new in v0.3.0)
pages 5 number of pages (new in v0.3.0)
filters [{ id: "Species", value: "petal" }] array of column filter values (new in v0.3.0)
searchValue "petal" table search value (new in v0.3.0)
selected [0, 1, 4] array of selected row indices (zero-based, new in v0.3.0)
pageRows [{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...] array of row data values in the page
sortedData [{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...] sorted array of row data values in the table
data [{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...] original array of row data values in the table